Well in typical Juan fashion, here I am racing against the clock to meet a deadline for a class assignment. For the past five years, since the beginning of my senior year in high school, I promised myself that I would finally break free from procrastination's grip and become the student that everyone said I would become. But there's something about the rush that I get from knowing that its "Do or Die" time and knowing that somehow I will deliver the goods and end up getting a decent or excellent grade in the end. I feel a bad case of senioritis coming through.
Having just revealed this little detail about myself, I want to clear up my current situation as I write this blog. For the past week, the thought of writing a blog has been somewhat intimidating. Not only is this my first blog, I know that people that I see at least twice a week will have access to it and get a chance to critique it. They'll laugh at me for all I know! I finally came to realize last night that I had no choice but to post something or else I was gonna be in trouble with only one week into the semester. But somehow, life throws you curveballs when you least expect them. It was no biggie, just annoying. Last night around this time, my computer died. My charger decided it would catch a ride out of town in my friend's car. So you might be asking yourself, how is he writing this? I won't get into detail but lets just say my boss would not be too happy.
Anyways, its closing time! Gotta go before the boss catches me.