Friday, October 26, 2007

This Weekend Is Saw Weekend

“This weekend is Saw Weekend”. That is all I have seen this week whenever I have hopped on some of my favorite sites such as YouTube. I was having doubts about catching the fourth installment of this now yearly “gorefest” (Yeah I know its not a real word but I couldn’t find another to describe it) but I must admit, the marketing campaign and the fear of being labeled a wuss by my peers made me catch this movie on opening night. I am not a big fan of horror movies because they usually end up having dumb plots or predictable finishes. My preferences are more along the lines of gangster or mafia movies such as Casino or The Departed. The Saw series, however, has always managed to keep my attention because of the inevitable plot twist and because it always leads to an animated discussion with friends about the movie, the killer’s motives, and possibilities for the sequel (plans are already under way for a fifth and sixth part in the series).

I am not the squeamish type. Something has to be super gross in order for me to close my eyes or turn my head the other way. As I was watching this, I was reminded of the time I saw the first installment of the series. It was on a date with a girl who I had been seeing for quite a bit of time. She told me she wasn’t a big fan of horror movies, but it was the only movie on. Needless to say she couldn’t take the graphic violence that these movies have become famous for. Sometime during the movie, she asked for us to leave. I was so consumed in the movie however, that I decided we should stay. That ended up being our last date. It’s funny thinking back how the movie and my decision to stay there probably led to her not wanting to see me. Because of that, I’ve decided that a group setting with friends is probably the better way to go watch this other potentially bloody movies.

As far as the movie is concerned, it ended up being a pretty damn good one. It wasn’t as disgusting as the others, thankfully. And once again, the swerve near the end tied up loose ends, while also preparing us for the sequel. If you are a fan of this type of movie, make sure you catch Saw 4.

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